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What can I say. Just amazing. Huge fan of Robocop. You maked an awsome game. And the music... OMG!

Thank you for your king feedback. Glad you liked it 😊


Your game starts at 00:49. This was fantastic! The visions were useful, the objective/directive display looked perfect and the footstep noise made us feel like Robocop. Rescuing hostages and getting headshots was felt satisfying. Everything worked as it should and we only encountered one glitch but it was funny. The mechs were a great addition and raised the tension. Our only suggestion would be to make the mechs killable by adding a weak point on their backs so you have to sneak behind them which would be an extra challenge. Keep up the good work! 

thank you for your kind feedback, it makes me very happy

Glad you liked it 😊

Woah ! ça à l 'air superbe ! Mieux que certaine adaptation ... Bon boulot ! et super la vidéo en plus :)

Merci l'ami ;)

like but problem keybord france ...need wasd ah ...why make version type psx?

Thanks for your return, it's fixed

You can now play with wasd